Wirral Growth Hub | Delivery Management
This regeneration project between Muse – Morgan Sindall’s urban regeneration development arm – and Wirral Borough Council went ahead to redevelop the heart of Birkenhead town centre.

A Smooth Operational Delivery System
After successfully deploying our solar powered ECO CCTV tower we moved on to launching our delivery management system. We catered to the clients needs by adapting our system to their specific needs. The requirements of the job changed a lot so we were constantly adapting our system to help the site deal with a large volume of deliveries on site.
What worked so well in this professional relationship was the speed in which we provided such a specific service. Our cloud-based Delivery management solution is a time saving and cost effective solution to scheduling and managing on-site deliveries.
I would just like to personally say thank you to yourself and your team for not only the Delivery management system but your support on using it and the flexibility you gave us to change functions on the system on our demand. As you know Wirral Growth’s requirements changed a lot throughout the job and we could not have dealt with the large volume of deliveries to site without this system. We were slap bang in the middle of a town centre with a mobility shop one side of us and the rear of shops on another. Having the system allowed us to have a steady flow of delivery vehicles entering the vicinity of the area in a controlled and safe manner. It reduced the potential risks to a minimum that we have often in the past had to deal with.
It allowed contractors to book on their own deliveries in a quick and easy fashion and was very user friendly, with the settings we put in place to self-manage it worked an absolute treat. Every morning I would print out a report for that day and hand it over to my staff, gateman, fork driver, hoist driver and labourers etc . It put a well-timed schedule in place and was a structure that we could all work to as a team on a daily basis.
For myself as a Logistics manager it gave me the planner I needed of the larger deliveries in advance so I could make special arrangements and look ahead in the later weeks, for BREEAM to pulled off all the carbon emission reports for environmental purposes and was great for whenever the QS’s need to cross reference when we had deliveries in the past for costing reasons.
All in all I couldn’t recommend this system enough and it has helped us reduce the health and safety issues at the gate and on the whole of the job, in fairness this is always one of my main priorities within my role.
Mike Mcghee
Senior Project Manager