Wirral Growth Hub | CCTV Tower
This landmark regeneration project is a joint venture between Muse – Morgan Sindall’s urban regeneration development arm – and Wirral Borough Council to redevelop the heart of Birkenhead town centre.

See It Safe – Keep it Green
The key focus for this project centred around delivering a solution that met our clients impressive environmental standards. To meet their company wide carbon goals, on a brand-new site, with no mains electricity, we had to think outside of the box. With speed also a key factor, we recommended a complete eco solution that would keep the site safe, secure and deliver in terms of green credentials.
By deploying our latest solar powered ECO CCTV tower, we were able to deliver a fully monitored HD CCTV solution for the early stages of the Project. The rapidly deployable tower is Smart AI enabled and complete with 360-degree HD coverage, 24/7 colour vision, virtual detection trip wires, live audio, and high speed 4G. The whole scheme was monitored from our dedicated, in-house CCTV control room, backed by an advanced cloud alarm receiving platform and supported by our trained local security response.
As part of our carbon initiative and while setting up the site with no mains electricity, we needed a high-quality, monitored CCTV tower that did not require a generator as these systems use diesel and create unwanted noise for local residents. VIS Eco Tower is solar-powered and has been on site since week one of the scheme. The unit is rapidly deployable and can easily be moved around the site if required for plant and security monitoring. We can access the HD cameras remotely and feel it is an immensely sustainable and cost-effective solution for both initial setup and end of project handover. Once we have the main cabins in situ and electricity is live, VIS will then implement stage 2 of the plan, remove the tower and install our site-wide CCTV.
Ben Wolstenholme
Senior Project Manager